
You have to LOVE the good old YMCA

Today i was talking to a friend who reminded me why i love the YMCA so much.. OK Parents are you looking for affordable activities for your Kiddies or Teen? If so please check your LOCAL YMCA or YWCA for programs available at very low price and even FREE. Follow the Link below then find the one in your area..

Where you can find a pick-your-own farm near you!

Well we can officially say summer is GONE! But no need to worry parents, Harvest time is here and with it comes Pick-your-own farms. Check out this site for a farm in your STATE...

In your Area Music and Singing Lessons

TakeLessons is America's full-service singing and
music lessons provider, offering customized private lessons and school music programs in over 2,800 U.S. cities

Free Printables Sites to Organize Your Home

Here are 2 of our favorite sites for Free stay organize printables for you and your family :)

Please feel free to post any additional FREE printable sites that our readers can enjoy!

Back-To-School Checklist

Check out our Friends for a complete back to school checklist and organizing tips..

Where to go to find after School Extra-Curriculum Activities

Is it time for my child to start an extracurricular activity? What's the best one? How do I find a good program?

Extracurriculars let your child enjoy himself in a fun, stress-free environment, get some exercise, and make friends outside of school. If he shows a special talent, it's great to nurture that ability through lessons or classes.

How to Find

Start your search at your child's school. Ask his teacher or the principal what options are available there. It's also important to talk to other parents about what their children are involved in and get recommendations for kid-tested classes and activities. Also check out community resources such as:

You might also find listings in your phone book under "Child Care."

10 ways to help your Child Stay Organize in School

Developing good organizational skills is a key ingredient for success in school and in life. Although some people are by nature more organized than others, anyone can put routines and systems in place to help a child "get it together." The Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities has compiled a list of strategies that you can use to help your child get — and keep — her life under control.

1. Use checklists.Help your child get into the habit of keeping a "to-do" list. Use checklists to post assignments, household chores, and reminders about what materials to bring to class. Your child should keep a small pad or notebook dedicated to listing homework assignments. Crossing completed items off the list will give him a sense of accomplishment.

2. Organize homework assignments.Before beginning a homework session, encourage your child to number assignments in the order in which they should be done. She should start with one that's not too long or difficult, but avoid saving the longest or hardest assignments for last.

3. Designate a study space.Your child should study in the same place every night. This doesn't have to be a bedroom, but it should be a quiet place with few distractions. All school supplies and materials should be nearby. If your young child wants to study with you nearby, too, you'll be better able to monitor his progress and encourage good study habits.

4. Set a designated study time.Your child should know that a certain time every day is reserved for studying and doing homework. The best time is usually not right after school — most children benefit from time to unwind first. Include your child in making this decision. Even if she doesn't have homework, the reserved time should be used to review the day's lessons, read for pleasure, or work on an upcoming project.

5. Keep organized notebooks.Help your child keep track of papers by organizing them in a binder or notebook. This will help him review the material for each day's classes and to organize the material later to prepare for tests and quizzes. Use dividers to separate class notes, or color-code notebooks. Separate "to do" and "done" folders help organize worksheets, notices, and items to be signed by parents, as well as provide a central place to store completed assignments.

6. Conduct a weekly cleanup.Encourage your child to sort through book bags and notebooks on a weekly basis. Old tests and papers should be organized and kept in a separate file at home.

7. Create a household schedule.Try to establish and stick to a regular dinnertime and a regular bedtime. This will help your child fall into a pattern at home. Children with a regular bedtime go to school well-rested. Try to limit television-watching and computer play to specific periods of time during the day.

8. Keep a master calendar.Keep a large, wall-sized calendar for the household, listing the family's commitments, schedules for extracurricular activities, days off from school, and major events at home and at school. Note dates when your child has big exams or due dates for projects. This will help family members keep track of each other's activities and avoid scheduling conflicts.

9. Prepare for the day ahead.Before your child goes to bed, he should pack schoolwork and books in a book bag. The next day's clothes should be laid out with shoes, socks, and accessories. This will cut down on morning confusion and allow your child to prepare quickly for the day ahead.

10. Provide needed support while your child is learning to become more organized.Help your child develop organizational skills by photocopying checklists and schedules and taping them to the refrigerator. Gently remind her about filling in calendar dates and keeping papers and materials organized. Most important, set a good example.

Reprinted with the permission of © 2009,

Kids Bowl for Free


Select bowling centers and schools around the country are participating in the first ever “Kids Bowl Free” program. This program is designed by bowling centers to give back to the community and provide a safe, secure, and fun way for kids to spend time this summer.

Children whose age does not exceed a limit by a participating bowling center are eligible to register for 2 free games a day, all summer long, courtesy of the particpating bowling centers along with the schools and organizations.

Visit for a Local listing of participating centers..

Tons of Fun at Your Local Library!

Libraries are not only cool, they are air-conditioned! yeyyyy for that..

Visit your local Library to pick up a flyer with exact dates and events for your branch. Make sure you have a library card, then join the fun and create time to read!

Remember if you have a library card you can use it in any library in the state where you live.. Most library offer

  1. Reading time for kids all ages

  2. Bookclubs

  3. Movie nights

  4. Craft

  5. You can also pick up tickets to museums, indoor play locations and much more..


Free Fun and Educational Websites for Kids!

Summer vacation has officially arrived, and you know what that means is time to get creative with these little ones!
Here is a list of Fun FREE Educational sites that my kids personally love and i do as well..
Math & Reading:
Do you want to share your favorites? Leave us a comment with YOUR top kids sites..